Abstract Sunanda Ranade eng
Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. We always think on this line. But the concept of beauty exits since ancient time. It has been admired since time immemorial. However the concept of beauty changes according to culture, religions and generation.
Ayurvedic science has considered beauty not only from outer appearance of an individual but from inner aspects also. It considers the beauty of whole body. It is not only beauty of hair, facial, pedicure and manicure. It has given emphasis not only on body but also on mind and soul.
One can find historical references from Pre Vedic period. In Vedic period mantras and lepas (e.g. facial packs) have been mentioned to improve the luster of the skin. Herbal preparations like amalaki, bhringaraj have been mentioned in Atharva Veda to promote the hair growth. There are number of other preparations from different herbs and food ingredients and oils.
Beauty is an actual expression of our wellbeing. Hence importance has been given to aahar (nutrition), proper exercise and behavior also. Inner beauty reflects on outer beauty. Healthy body + healthy mind = Beauty.