Robert Verkerk Talk 2017


The future of Ayurvedic botanicals in the EU
Robert Verkerk, BSc MSc DIC PhD FACN, UK

Over 30,000 EU directives and regulations and rapidly escalating EU ‘soft law’ present serious challenges for Ayurveda in Europe. But can these challenges be overcome by the ever-increasing appetite for Ayurveda among Europeans? Will the burgeoning science confirming Ayurveda’s place as among the most relevant approaches to combatting chronic diseases born from Western diets and lifestyles tip the balance? Given the comprehensive failure of the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive in safeguarding Indian systems of medicine, will Ayurvedic food supplements face increasing or decreasing challenges in Europe’s partially harmonised markets? Will Brexit provide more opportunities than threats? In his presentation, these and many more questions will be answered by Dr Robert Verkerk, founder and executive director of Alliance for Natural Health International, who has been at the forefront of protecting Ayurvedic botanicals in the EU over the last 15 years.

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