Vijay Murthy Talk 2017
Healing Intentionality & Transferring Intentionality in consciousness based practice of Ayurveda in the management of Cancer
Dr. Vijay Murthy, PhD, UK
Our very nature is intentional and the most basic intentionality in nature is to be whole. DNA programming, reproduction of cells, tissue repair, wound healing and the entire process of life are examples of nature’s intentionality in operation. This concept of nature’s intentionality is embedded in the Vedic mind-set that is the hallmark of Ayurvedic practice. Prior to the influence of western thought and colonial medicine in India the practice of Ayurveda did not digress from the application of the consciousness model for healing.
Unlike the modern western approach to cancer, Ayurvedic practices do not make watertight components of the tumour, the person and psycho-emotional consequences of the condition on the person in the management of cancer. While the body’s ability to heal could be considered generic intentionality, which is the basic level of intentionality, upon which the body functions in states of health and ill-health, becoming conscious of the body’s intentionality and directing intentionality to heal oneself can be termed healing intentionality.
Ayurvedic healing in cancer and any other conditions is always a collaboration between the person and the practitioner. In modern day Ayurvedic practice, in the context of cancer management, an ayurvedic practitioner would therefore advise, train and guide the person with cancer on various self-care practices such as Dinacharya, Pranayama, Dhyana and meditation to invoke ‘healing intentionality’ within the person. Healing intentionality also evolves with one’s experiences in life. Healing intentionality is both the capacity for and the development of specific intent for healing. Researchers demonstrate that persons mindful of this healing potential experience it in their thoughts, sensations, behaviour and actions.
When the practitioner is engaged in honing the art of healing intentionality, then he/she becomes capable of transferring intentionality. For some practitioners transferring intentionality can be an innate gift. Ayurveda recognises the outcome of any effort to heal as a result of the level of engagement in consciousness on part of the practitioner as well as the patient. This presentation provides a framework for practitioners to apply the consciousness model of Ayurveda in the management of cancer by suggesting principles and methods of developing healing intentionality and transferring intentionality.