The theme of the Second International Ayurveda Congress is Ayurveda – the Pursuit of Health, Happiness and Long Life through Prevention-Oriented Health Care. By demonstrating that Ayurveda is holistic, authentic, and reliable, the Congress will offer a cost-effective and easy-to-implement system of natural health care, which is prevention-oriented and promotes both individual and collective health. Ayurveda, in fact, offers the ideal solution to the current crises in modern health care systems that are based solely on western medicine. It has the potential to create self-sufficiency in health care for all nations and ultimately a disease-free society.
The Congress has attracted more than 80 leading speakers – experts and researchers in the various fields of Ayurveda. We are delighted that The Honourable Shripad Yesso Naik, the Minister of AYUSH (natural health care) of the Government of India, will be attending together with a high-level delegation from his Ministry.
The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, has inspired and encouraged Ayurveda experts and academicians in India and the world to spread the highest quality of the knowledge, practice and products of Ayurveda world-wide. Prime Minister Modi’s continued support to include Ayurveda in the ties of India with other countries has been appreciated by all.
The first International Ayurveda Congress held in Roermond, the Netherlands, in 2015, marked the close collaboration of three prominent organisations: the All India Ayurvedic Congress, the official organisation representing 300,000 Ayurvedic practitioners, which is represented at the Congress by its President, Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna; the International Academy of Ayurved based in Pune, India, chaired by Professor Dr Subhash Ranade, a leading academic and author of 127 books on Ayurveda and Yoga; and the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation led by Dr Rainer Picha, senior cardiologist from Austria and world expert in the consciousness-based approach to Ayurveda brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The London Congress will build on this collaboration to offer a forum for researchers to present their latest innovative work in the various fields of Ayurveda, and for policy makers to review possibilities for the introduction of Ayurveda in the health care system of all countries, including the UK. We are pleased to have the participation and support of the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Indian Traditional Sciences.
The structure of the Congress will involve both plenary sessions for all delegates and parallel sessions that will focus on specific applications of Ayurveda, including brain health, cardiovascular health, youthfulness and longevity, genetics and epigenetics, skin health, women’s health, nutrition, digestion and lifestyle.
On the same two days as the Congress and at the same location there will also be a public Ayurveda health fair at which exhibitors will present the key modalities, treatments and products of Ayurveda. This will include 14 public talks by world experts introducing the holistic, natural approach of Ayurveda to the prevention and cure of disease and the promotion of longevity.
We warmly welcome everyone to come and join the International Ayurveda Congress and/or visit the Ayurveda health fair.