The theme of the Second International Ayurveda Congress is Ayurveda – the Pursuit of Health, Happiness and Long Life through Prevention-Oriented Health Care. By demonstrating that Ayurveda is holistic, authentic, and reliable, the Congress will offer a cost-effective and easy-to-implement system of natural health care, which is prevention-oriented and promotes both individual and collective health. Ayurveda, in fact, offers the ideal solution to the current crises in modern health care systems that are based solely on western medicine. It has the potential to create self-sufficiency in health care for all nations and ultimately a disease-free society.
The Congress has attracted more than 80 leading speakers – experts and researchers in the various fields of Ayurveda. We are delighted that The Honourable Shripad Yesso Naik, the Minister of AYUSH (natural health care) of the Government of India, will be attending together with a high-level delegation from his Ministry.
The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, has inspired and encouraged Ayurveda experts and academicians in India and the world to spread the highest quality of the knowledge, practice and products of Ayurveda world-wide. Prime Minister Modi’s continued support to include Ayurveda in the ties of India with other countries has been appreciated by all.
The first International Ayurveda Congress held in Roermond, the Netherlands, in 2015, marked the close collaboration of three prominent organisations: the All India Ayurvedic Congress, the official organisation representing 300,000 Ayurvedic practitioners, which is represented at the Congress by its President, Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna; the International Academy of Ayurved based in Pune, India, chaired by Professor Dr Subhash Ranade, a leading academic and author of 127 books on Ayurveda and Yoga; and the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation led by Dr Rainer Picha, senior cardiologist from Austria and world expert in the consciousness-based approach to Ayurveda brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The London Congress will build on this collaboration to offer a forum for researchers to present their latest innovative work in the various fields of Ayurveda, and for policy makers to review possibilities for the introduction of Ayurveda in the health care system of all countries, including the UK. We are pleased to have the participation and support of the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Indian Traditional Sciences.
The structure of the Congress will involve both plenary sessions for all delegates and parallel sessions that will focus on specific applications of Ayurveda, including brain health, cardiovascular health, youthfulness and longevity, genetics and epigenetics, skin health, women’s health, nutrition, digestion and lifestyle.
On the same two days as the Congress and at the same location there will also be a public Ayurveda health fair at which exhibitors will present the key modalities, treatments and products of Ayurveda. This will include 14 public talks by world experts introducing the holistic, natural approach of Ayurveda to the prevention and cure of disease and the promotion of longevity.
We warmly welcome everyone to come and join the International Ayurveda Congress and/or visit the Ayurveda health fair.


Dr. Tony Nader, MD, PhD
Patron of the Congress

Dr. Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR received his M.D. degree from the American University of Beirut. His Ph.D. is in the area of Brain and Cognitive Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and he completed post-doctoral work as a Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Nader has written two ground-breaking books: Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature and Ramayan in Human Physiology. In his latest book Dr. Nader’s scientific analysis finds the ancient epic of the Ramayan (from the Itihas aspect of the Vedic Literature) to be a precise scientific description of how our body functions and evolves.

His interest in natural health care led him, while at MIT, to conduct research on Maharishi AyurVeda herbal and mineral preparations, investigating their safety, effects on memory and behaviour, and their ability to prevent ageing and disease.

Interview with Dr. Tony Nader

Part 1: What is Maharishi AyurVeda, and what distinguishes it from Ayurveda

Part 2: The important role of consciousness in healthcare

Part 3: The relationship between consciousness and physiology – Veda and physiology – as covered extensively in Dr Tony Nader's groundbreaking treatise "Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and Vedic Literature"


Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna

Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna

  • people_triguna

    President, AIAC

    Vaidya Triguna is a recipient of “Padam Shri” & “Padama Bhushan” award for his contribution to Ayurveda. He is the Visitor of the prestigious and one of the oldest University Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar. He is Hony. Physician to the President of India, was born in a family of traditional Vaidyas. His father Vd. Brihaspati Dev Triguna is a renowned Nadi Vaidya in India and abroad. Vd. Devendra has been in clinical practice for the past 32 years and gathered rich experience in successful treatment of chronic and complicated disorders.

    He is President of All India Ayurvedic Congress, numerous central councils, governing bodies of the government of India.

Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna
President, AIAC

Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade

Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade

  • people_ranade_neu

    Chairman, IAA

    Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade is one of the foremost experts on Ayurveda. He is leading academician and physician in the field of Ayurveda. He is the author of one hundred and twenty-seven books on Ayurveda and Yoga. These books have been published in fifteen languages. He has worked as Prof. and Head, Dept. of Interdisciplinary School of Ayurveda and Prof. and Head, Dept. of Ayurveda Pune University and Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune, India. At present he is Chairman, International Academy of Ayurved, Pune and Honorary Dean, Kerala Ayurveda Academy, USA.

Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade
Chairman, IAA

Dr. Rainer Picha

Dr. Rainer Picha

  • people_picha

    Director, IMAVF

    Rainer Picha, MD, is a senior consultant in cardiology from Austria. In 1996 he shifted his focus from a full-time position as Assistant Director at the Department of Cardiology of the State Hospital in Graz, Austria, to become a researcher at Maharishi Vedic University in Vlodrop, The Netherlands. Dr. Picha has travelled throughout the world to lecture on Maharishi AyurVeda and together with his multidisciplinary team he has developed new hospital designs, course materials and medical curricula in order to integrate the most ancient system of health care – Maharishi AyurVeda – with modern medicine. Dr. Picha is now overseeing all Maharishi AyurVeda activities worldwide.

Dr. Rainer Picha
Chairman, IMAVF


Dr. Walter Mölk

Dr. Walter Mölk

  • people_moelk

    Director, IMAVF

    In 1996 Dr. Mölk became a member of the international research team at Maharishi Vedic University in Vlodrop, The Netherlands. In 1998 he was awarded with his weight in silver for his research contributions at the same time when Tony Nader, MD, PhD (now known as Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam) had received his weight in gold for his discovery of Veda in the human physiology. Dr. Mölk is also founder and president of the Austrian Society for Ayurvedic Medicine and founding medical director of the first Maharishi AyurVeda health center in Austria, and has more than 20 years of experience in leading Maharishi AyurVeda postgraduate training courses for health professionals worldwide.

Dr. Walter Mölk
Director, IMAVF

Lothar Pirc

Lothar Pirc

  • people_lothar

    Director, IMAVF

    Mr. Pirc is a business leader, speaker, and an international proponent of Ayurveda and holistic health. He is founder and CEO of the award-winning Maharishi AyurVeda Health Center Bad Ems, Germany. Over the last 25 years, Mr. Pirc has introduced the health benefits of Maharishi AyurVeda to thousands of people around the world. He has spoken to many groups of physicians, national health organizations, and government and business leaders in five continents and was awarded the Global Hakim Ajmal Khan Award 2007 for Organizational and Social Vedic Services presented by the Chief Minister of the State of Delhi, India, for its work in research, application, and expansion of Ayurveda around the world.

Lothar Pirc
Director, IMAVF

Dr. Girish Momaya

Dr. Girish Momaya

  • people_momaya

    Director, IMAVF

    Dr. Momaya is a director of Maharishi AyurVeda Products Europe B.V., a Dutch company dealing with manufacturing and distribution of herbal health food supplements. He is also a director of Maharishi European Research University, a Dutch foundation dealing with education, training and services in the fields of education, health care and social well-being. Furthermore Dr. Momaya is a director at Maharishi Foundation International in the Netherlands, an international foundation established to promote teachings and programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Dr. Girish Momaya
Director, IMAVF

Dr. Karin Pirc

Dr. Karin Pirc

  • people_karin

    Medical Director, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre Bad Ems

    Dr. Pirc opened Germany’s first Ayurveda health centre in Schledehausen in 1985. In 1993, she opened the Maharishi AyurVeda centre in Bad Ems. Advanced training with well-known Ayurveda experts such as Vaidya Dr. J. R. Raju in India made her one of the leading German specialists in Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis and Panchakarma. In 2006, Dr. Pirc was given the prestigious Indian “Global Hakim Ajmal Khan Award” and became the first woman and first European to receive this award. At the Raj Ayu Con 2013, an International Conference on Ayurved & Complementary Systems of Medicines in Rajkot, India, she received the “International Lifetime Achievement Award”.

Dr. Karin Pirc
Medical Director, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre Bad Ems

Dr. Sunada Ranade

Dr. Sunada Ranade

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    Vice Chairperson, IAA

    Dr. Ranade is an expert of Ayurvedic gynaecologist and nutritionist. Since the past 40 years she is the director of International Academy of Ayurved, Pune, India and is working in the field of Ayurveda and Yoga. Dr. Ranade has written hundreds of articles on Ayurveda, which have been published not only in Indian magazines and newspapers but also in Italy and Germany and USA. She is also the author of several books on Ayurveda, which have been published in Marathi, English, Italian and Spanish languages. Dr. Ranade is working as a visiting Professor for various Institutes in many countries all around the world and is giving lectures at various Institutes.

Dr. Sunanda Ranade
Vice Chairman, IAA

Dr. Sunil B. Patil

Dr. Sunil B. Patil

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    Founder-President, Vanoushadhi Vidhyapeeth

    Dr. Sunil Patil is one of the foremost Maharishi AyurVeda doctors practicing this Vedic approach to health for the past 30 years as a Nadivaidya and Panchakarma expert. He received the Ayurvedacharya Degree (Bachalor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) with high honors from Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 1983.

    He has been propagating Maharishi AyurVeda in Europe and the U.S.A. He further participated in designing the syllabus of Maharishi AyurVeda Pulse, Diet and Mother Baby care and offers trainings in Panchakarma, Nadi Vigyan for students. He is the founder and president of Vanoushadhi Vidyapeeth an NGO that promotes Herbal Medicines and has been awarded with numerous national and international awards.

Vaidyaraj Sunil B. Patil
Founder-President, Vanoushadhi Vidhyapeeth

Congress Moderators

Dr. Peter Warburton, MA (Cantab), PhD (MUWP), MInstLM, MIoD

Dr. Peter Warburton, MA (Cantab), PhD (MUWP), MInstLM, MIoD

  • Dr. Peter Warburton

    Chief Executive, Maharishi Foundation UK

    Dr Warburton has his master’s degree from Cambridge University, England, in Social and Political Sciences and his doctorate in “Supreme Political Science” from Maharishi University of World Peace in The Netherlands. He is a Member of the UK Institute of Leadership and Management, and also a Member of the UK Institute of Directors.

    Since 2007, Dr Warburton has been Chief Executive of the Maharishi Foundation group in the UK, comprising six registered charities and nine companies working in the areas of self-development and natural health care. He is also chairman of Maharishi’s organisations in seven other countries, a Director of Maharishi European Research University (MERU), Netherlands, and has a key position in the global leadership of Maharishi’s organisation.

    Since its inception in 1987, Dr Warburton has been involved in Maharishi’s global campaign to create a disease-free society through the restoration and application of authentic and complete AyurVeda.

Dr. Peter Warburton
Chief Executive,
Maharishi Foundation UK

Peter Swan

  • Peter Swan

    Peter Swan, DSCI
    Director of Communication, Global Country of World Peace

Peter Swan, DSCI
Director of Communication,
Global Country of World Peace


Silvia Hawkins

Silvia Hawkins

  • Silvia Hawkins

    Secretary, IMAVF

    Silvia Hawkins brings extensive professional experience in the areas of direct response marketing, project management and television production. Through her work with a leading direct response advertising agency in the US Silvia gained expertise in planning and managing complex media projects. She developed and monitored budgets, coordinated multi-track production schedules and ensured a frictionless flow of communication amongst project teams and their different objectives. Silvia received consciousness-based education at MUM in Fairfield, Iowa where she graduated with a BA in Arts and an MA in Maharishi’s programme of Higher Education Administration.

Silvia Hawkins
Secretary, IMAVF

Dr. Gunvant Yeola

Dr. Gunvant Yeola

  • people_yeola

    Secretary, IAA

    Dr. (Vaidya) Gunvant Yeola is M.D.; Ph.D. in Kayachikitsa (Ayurved) from Pune University and M.A. in Sanskrit. He has keen interest in Yogashastra and holds a Diploma in Yoga and Ayurved along with a Certificate course in Yogashastra from Kaivalyadham, Lonavala, Maharashtra. He is a Professor in Dept. of Kayachikitsa in one of the leading institutes at Pune, India. His has 13 years of teaching experience and is a Post Graduate teacher/guide & Ph. D guide in Kayachikitsa recognized by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. He was honored with the “Award of Excellence” at International Conference on Ayurved and Yoga at Dubai (UAE) by the International Academy of Ayurved on 5th January 2014.

Dr. Gunvant Yeola
Secretary, IAVC
Phone: +90 28321955

Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

  • Richard Johnson

    Conference Organiser

    Having trained as a hospital manager and worked at a London teaching hospital for eight years, Richard made a major career change in 1984 and began teaching Transcendental Meditation in central London, founding with others, the Victoria TM Centre.

    In 1990, he moved to the headquarters of Maharishi Foundation UK at Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire and acted as assistant to the directors of the charity, then becoming the National Director for England in 2007.

    He has been an executive director of Maharishi AyurVeda Products since 1998, and led the team which planned, designed and then built a landmark development of 57 houses and apartments in Rendlesham, Suffolk. This is a specialist estate built according to the ancient principles of Maharishi Vastu and incorporating many ecological features.

Richard Johnson
Congress Organisor