If you are a Vaidya or medical professional from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan, please make your booking here (all others please use the booking form for International Delegates).
Prices and Registration:
Special package for Vaidyas from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan
- Including double room accommodation with breakfast (3 nights stay – arrival 31 March – departure 3 April) at London Novotel Hotel, vegetarian meals, Congress fee, sightseeing tour, concert – GBP 575.-
- Participation in a single room accommodation (three nights) with all facilities as above GBP 805.-
- Congress participation without hotel accommodation but with meals and including all other programmes as above – GBP 345.-
- Extra night’s stay (especially for those who take return flight on 4 April or later) have to be booked directly with the Novotel hotel.
- The charge for accompanying persons, not attending the Congress meetings, is GBP 415.-, including double room accommodation with breakfast (3 nights stay – arrival 31 March – departure 3 April) at London Novotel Hotel, vegetarian meals, sightseeing tour, concert.
Congress Extension at Maharishi Peace Palace, Rendlesham:
With stay during extension (arrival after London sightseeing tour, in the evening of 3 April and departure on 8 April) at beautiful countryside in Rendlesham at Maharishi Peace Palace – all inclusive of stay, meals, seminars, learning Transcendental Meditation, and additional sightseeing tours.
- Special 5 days extension all-inclusive package in shared room – GBP 400.-
- Special 5 days extension all-inclusive package in single room – GBP 575.-
Total package for Congress including extension (31 March – 8 April)
- All-inclusive in shared room accommodation – GBP 975.- per person
- All-inclusive in single room accommodation – GBP 1,380.- per person
- All-inclusive with Congress participation without accommodation in London but Congress extension in Rendlesham in double room accommodation – GBP 750.-